1. Launch your web browser. Key in your domain name.
For example, https://www.abc.com:8443/. Remember to enter port number: 8443/ and use “https” and not “http”. (Replace "abc.com" with your own domain.)
2. A Security Alert pop-up window will appear. Click Yes to proceed.
3. Enter your Login and Password and then click on the Login button.
4. Locate the domain you wish to add an email account. In this example, we click on abc.com.
5. Click on the Mail icon.
6. Make sure the mail feature is enabled. The Disable icon will appear as below if it is enabled. Click on the Add New Mail Name icon.
7. Key in the email account which you want to create. For eg. me@abc.com. Then enter your password, and reenter for confirmation. Remember that the password field is case-sensitive, so make sure caps lock is disabled.
8. Make sure you tick on the checkbox for Mailbox. You can set the mail quota as unlimited or you may specify a disk quota for the account.
9. Click on the OK button. Congratulations! You have successfully set up for a new email account.